Surveillance camera maintenance tips

If the security camera is broken or has a minor problem, it can be fixed.

You don't have to buy new ones. Common breakdowns are easy to fix.

However, it is important to understand what constitutes a surveillance camera.

Composition of surveillance cameras.

1. Surveillance camera shell.

The shell of surveillance camera is mainly divided into waterproof camera shell, hemispheric camera shell and gun camera shell.

The beauty of the camera is mainly reflected in the shell, which is also an important factor in the price of the whole machine. The same configuration in the market, if the camera shell is different, the price of the whole machine may double, which is usually the main interest of the camera manufacturer.

2.CCD board chip.

CCD board is mainly dominated by chips from sharp and SONY, as well as Korean and domestic solutions.

Basically, the market scheme is roughly the same, but due to the different raw materials of components, some are domestic products, some are imported, some are mixed materials, the price and performance are somewhat different, which is also the main interests of the industry

3. Infrared light panel.

Infra-red lamp board basically is different of wick, each wick divides a lot of grade from 1 horn to 1 yuan, but basically with light lei and tripod yuan wick as main stream.

4. The lens.

Lens is an indispensable part of TV monitoring system. In cooperation with CCD camera, lens can put remote target image on the CCD target surface of camera.

There are many kinds of lenses, which can be classified into short, medium, and long focal length lenses, and can be classified into wide Angle, standard and long distance lenses according to the size of the field of view. It can also be divided into fixed aperture setting lens, manual aperture setting lens, automatic aperture setting lens, manual aperture setting lens, automatic aperture setting lens, automatic aperture setting lens, automatic aperture setting lens and electric variable lens (refers to aperture, focal length, focal length and three kinds of focal length variable lens) and so on.

The choice of lens is directly related to the quality of the camera, so in the practical application must be a reasonable choice of lens.

5. Other components.

Other components are mainly connected by lens holder, video line, screw and copper column. These components are necessary, but for better or worse, they are usually combined according to the technology of the camera

Most of the common faults are problems of analog and digital systems, which can be solved by checking and maintaining them.

Maintenance of simulation system.

First, let's see if the BNC joint is welded.

From the camera to the splitter, from the splitter to the hard disk video, from the splitter to the matrix BNC.

It will not take long for BNC to weld if it is not welded during installation.

Measure whether the video line is broken.

Second, see whether the camera's power supply (12V or 24V) is normal.

Hard disk video, splitter, matrix power supply is normal.

3. Check whether the BNC interface of hard disk video, splitter and matrix is normal by switching.

That is, connect a jumper with an image channel to a jumper without an image channel to see if there is an image.

If not, the channel is broken.

Digital system maintenance.

First, let's see if the LAN light on the switch is on.

There are three common situations:

(1) Bright flicker, indicating normal signal.

(2) Light, no flicker, something is wrong with the camera.

First, disconnect the camera and start over (most of the time)

(3) Whether the crystal head RJ45 is in good condition (it depends on the switch and the camera) and whether the power supply of the camera is normal (12V or 24V).

Measure whether the wire is broken.

Second, check whether the host is working normally.

Go into the system and see if you can find the IP address of the channel without the image.

Otherwise, check the switch and camera for problems.

Restart the webcam, switch, and host.

As long as you make sure the hardware isn't broken, most reboots will be fixed.

Four, when using optical fiber transmission, to see whether the two ends of the optical fiber transceiver is working normally.